SHMILY - King’s Kids 4th Weekend

Sun , 18-5-2008

King's kids 4th weekend news.


Between the pages of the Bible of each of the King’s Kids Israel youth you’ll be able to find at least one thing in common… We all have our bookmark indicating where we shall read in our Bibles until our next gathering. Since the beginning of the year we’ve been receiving these bookmarks on each of our “once every 6 weeks’” gathering, and we pray and hope that each participant taking the bookmark would find it truly helpful in bringing him/her to open and read their Bible daily… We do know that for some it is still hard to get into the habit of a daily time with the Lord, but for others, it has been a tool building them up and placing before them a more open door into God’s precious word…

Romans, 1st Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians were the Bible books we read since our last weekend gathering up until this one.
The true love… The Agape, definitely stands out as we read 1st Corinthians, and as the Holy Spirit lead us, it was clear that God had appointed that on this weekend we were to speak about Love.
 Many of us tend to think everything has already been said about love, and we cannot seem to see any outstanding aspect that has not been touched on… and maybe it’s true, a lot has been said over the topic of love… but, it is in the new revelation of old knowledge that we come to truly experience what seemed to have been so clear to us, but realizing that it has never been as clear as it is now, because God chose the time and place to unveil another breathtaking aspect of His true love, in a way beyond words or expectations.

SHMILY was the name of our weekend, can you try to guess what it stands for? Many funny suggestions came up as the youth were asked to guess…
A week ago, we read a story, it was about a true love a young lady had seen in observing her grandfather and grandmother all through their married life. The story was really touching… and in our prayers seeking God for a topic for the weekend, He reminded us of SHMILY… and we realized that what God wanted to express to all of us, youth and leaders at this weekend was that we would each hear His tender voice saying: See How Much I Love You = SHMILY….
36 youth and leaders, King’s Kids Galilee and King’s Kids Gush Dan, enjoyed the 4th weekend for this year.
As the weekend was over and the youth were taken to their homes, the car conversation was so lovely to over hear, the Gush Dan team were speaking of how wonderful it is that we feel so much like family when we get together with the Galilee youth, and how in only one night we manage to connect so well that we feel it was such a short time we could spend together yet at the same time the intimacy feeling makes it seem as if we were already for a long time together… I believe this is God’s family feeling… United and loved and befriended regardless of amount of time, language, looks, age, etc… It’s so much fun to be in the family of Christ…
Our challenge for the weekend was to each ask ourselves: “How has the personal divine encounter with God’s true love changed my life? And is it still changing my life today? Do I seek to refresh this appointment with God’s life changing love?” Reminding each of us that we could not possibly meet with God’s amazing true love and yet stay the same as we were… This love must change us, just like Mary Magdalena’s encounter, meeting with Jesus and having her life changed completely… The teaching aimed also at compelling us to realize that this love is actually contagious, making each of us become a person who longs to love others just like Jesus loves us and them.

Praise the Lord for the power of His love, the power that releases from all bonds and shackles of the enemy, and sets us free to be loved and to love in a true and divine love.

Be reminded together with us that the Lord is tracing these letters all over our surrounding, reminding us of His unfailing love…

S.H.M.I.L.Y… See How Much I Love You…

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord, because all of creation testifies that our Redeemer lives and loves….

Please remember in your prayers those of the King’s Kids youth that need a revelation of God’s true love in a surrounding that lacks such a love and depresses their longing for more of Jesus in their lives, or those that are facing difficulty and doubt in a world of deception and temptation, so they may attain victory and overcome the enemy by choosing Jesus above all else and knowing they are secure in Him.

This article is also available in Nederlands //

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