Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
About House of Light
"Draw" a smile on their faces
Sat , 11-2-2012 4841 views
Ministry to Sudanese Refugees
Thousands of African refugees have made their way into Israel in the past couple of years. Each finds himself/herself “landing” in a different location but with a very common reality; there is no place to call home and not much hope or security for the future.
This past Saturday, as part of our King’s Kids Israel weekend, a group of 45 Arabic and Jewish Messianic youth spent an afternoon at Levinski Park in Tel-Aviv. We were literally drawing a smile on the beautiful faces of many precious refugee kids (and adults as well). Thanks to the training one of our co-leaders took in clowning skills, the youth learned how to draw various shapes and colors on faces and also to create balloon flowers, swords and more!
Praise the Lord, by His grace and the partnering of a few ministries that give humanitarian help, many people were given a hot meal, blankets, clothes and more. Many also received Bibles in their language and could watch and hear the message of salvation played out by dances and dramas performed by the King’s Kids team. We know that at least two people prayed to receive Jesus in their hearts that day.
Our topic for the weekend was: “Partner.” The youth were taught the importance of putting our efforts together, hand in hand. As the body of Christ in general, as Arab and Jewish believers in particular, and also as different ministries, we must come together and realize that teamwork generates greater results than the sum of individual efforts. Together we are much stronger. May we allow Him to teach us this principle in all the areas of our lives.
Thank you Jesus.
This article is also available in English // Nederlands //
Wed , 11-4-2018 2689 views
Vom 23. März bis zum 25. März fand ein weiterer, großartiger Familientag mit jüdischen, arabischen und schweizer Familien in der Baptist Village nahe Petah Tiqua statt. Indem wir uns von unserem himmlischen Vater gesegnet wussten, waren wir auch fähig selbst ein Segen zu sein und anderen mit frohem Herzen zu geben und zu dienen.
Sat , 10-3-2018 2716 views
Wir sind dem Herrn sehr dankbar für unsere Kinder und Jugendlichen von Kings Kids und all die Zeit, die sie miteinander und mit Gott verbringen. Zusammen, in einer starken Gemeinschaft, dürfen wir Gott auf neue Weise erfahren und großartige Sachen gemeinsam unternehmen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Ihnen einen kleinen Einblick in die aktuellen Kings Kids Aktivitäten geben: