Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
King's Kids

Here in Israel, where political issues take a huge space in our lives and things happen so fast that it is too hard to grasp them all, we come together as Jews and Arabs once every other week to share our faith, love and compassion through praise and worship, bible studies, games and definitely what King’s Kids does best, learning dances and pantomimes with Christian famous music to practice them all and get ready for outreach.
Through our meetings together at the House of Light, we take the time to make sure we are ready. All year round we meet together around 50 youngsters in two groups (9-12 years old meet every other Friday and 13-19 every other Thursday) to learn how to get closer to the Lord and how to build and develop a close relationship with Him. We learn how to accept one another and respect one another looking at all the good qualities we can find in each other and praying that we would all change so we can become more like Jesus in our speech, life, love, faith and purity, that way we can make sure we are ready.
King’s Kids ministry has been going on here in Israel for already quite some time. It started in 1993 when a Swiss couple brought along a group of Swiss and German youngsters and started a summer camp with believers, Christian Arabs and Messianic Jews in this country, a camp 3 weeks long of training, rehearsal, worship, praise and Bible studies. In 1995 we felt the need of a year round program which started here at the House of Light, a Christian organization that helps families and individuals out of distress through faith in Jesus Christ and His clear word in the Bible. We learnt how to be steady in the Lord and some of us also became leaders. Those who are ready and steady shall move on to something else and that is outreach.
GO GO GO !?!?!?!?
In small action groups, we go out and tell the world about the secret of our unity although we come from two enemy nations. People find it so hard to believe that such a thing could ever happen but our living testimony for them speaks of the wonderful love of Jesus and His blood reconciling all who believe in Him. As action groups we go out to different places, like hospitals, old people's homes, orphanages, schools, churches and sometimes to the streets and we help in those places and perform our dances and pantomimes and give the people time to react and to ask questions and through that we can share our faith with them and pray that the Lord would do the rest of the work in their lives.
Thanks a lot for your love and care. We would love to join other King’s Kids’ teams from all over the world, in their countries or here with us. Please let us know if you’re interested.
You can contact us at our e-mail address, holight@netvision.net.il and let the subject be King’s Kids.
Or write to:
House of Light
Rajaa’ Grimberg
P.O. Box 40
Shefa-Amer 20200
Telefax: +972-4-9865943, cellular 972-54-4986594.
Waiting to hear from you soon!
In His love,
Rajaa’ Grimberg
Daughter of Anis and Nawal Barhoum
Running King’s Kids matters in Shefa-Amer (Shfar-Am).
Watch a video about King's Kids Israel:
Learn more about our programmes, activities and values:
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
1 Timothy 4:12
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