Donate to the House of Light
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If you want to support us financially, here you can also find all the details on how to donate to the House of Light from different regions and in different currencies.
For direct bank transfers, send your donation to
Beneficiary: HOUSE OF LIGHT (USD) Account Nr. (IBAN): IL51 0110 7700 0000 2373 981For donations in checks (eligible for tax deduction for US donors), mail them to
Abba's Ambassadors Inc. PO Box 165 South Salem, NY 10590 Important: At the memo line on the check, please write "House of Light".For direct bank transfers, send your donation to
Beneficiary: HOUSE OF LIGHT (EUR) Account Nr. (IBAN): IL09 0110 7700 0000 1373 988For donations eligible to tax deduction in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, donations can be send through amzi
1) Germany Beneficiary: amzi Account Nr.: 1 017 730 IBAN: DE15 6835 0048 0001 0177 30 BIC: SOLADES1LOE BLZ: 683 500 48 Institute: Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden Apply notation 416/HOL 2) Austria Beneficiary: amzi Account Nr.: 0984-51305/00 IBAN: AT26 1100 0098 4273 3900 BIC: BKAUATWW BLZ: 11 000 Institute: Creditanstalt Bregenz Apply notation 416/HOLFor direct bank transfers, send your donation to
Beneficiary: HOUSE OF LIGHT (EUR) Account Nr. (IBAN): IL09 0110 7700 0000 1373 988For bank transfers with lower transaction costs, send your donation through St. Vrienden van the House of Light, Nieuwegein, Holland
Beneficiary: St. Vrienden van the House of Light Account Nr.: 333842 IBAN: NL46 INGB 0000333842 BIC: INGBNL2AFor direct bank transfers, send your donation to
Beneficiary: HOUSE OF LIGHT (CHF) Account Nr. (IBAN): IL52 0110 7700 0001 2373 984For donations in checks, mail them to
amzi CH-4153 Reinach BL Important: Please mention that donations are for "House of Light".For bank transfers through Swiss banks, send your donation to one of the following two institutes:
1) Postfinance Account Nr.: 40-33695-4 IBAN: CH13 0900 0000 4003 3695 4 BIC: POFICHBEXXX 2) UBS Basel (Clearing 292) Account Nr.: 292-IQ136862.0 IBAN: CH75 0029 2292 IQ1368620 BIC: UBSWCHZH80AFor direct bank transfers, send your donation to
Beneficiary: HOUSE OF LIGHT (GBP) Account Nr. (IBAN): IL16 0110 7700 0001 1373 980