Families weekend in July

Thu , 18-9-2008

One night family retreat.


House of Light Families


One night retreat






Many of the King’s Kids young participants are either the children of House of Light members who attend the weekly meetings and are contacted by House of Light throughout the week for counsel and support, or they are children of friends attending various churches in the area.




Therefore, this year, as we were planning a two night retreat for the young King’s Kids, the Lord led us to simply invite all the parents of the children to come and join us for the second night and the third day of our short camp….




On Saturday, around seven families joined for a camping trip at the Mediterranean Sea, then on Sunday another seven families…. What a great blessing it was to see the excitement of the kids whose parents joined… welcoming, updating, sharing and receiving them with a special joy…






The kids that joined managed to find themselves very quickly and to connect to the other kids at camp, while the parents served in many ways and received their personal time of teaching and sharing…




It was fun to put all the children to sleep in the tents that night (well, almost all of them!) and then have all the adults tip toe out of the tents to come together, play the drum, as quietly as possible, sing a few songs, laugh and simply enjoy the time of fellowship as one big family…






On Sunday, we had the morning worship for all the ages, then a personal time with the Lord, going deep into our hearts and checking where we’re at with Jesus…




After a time of Bible study, separate for the different age groups, we all came together to begin the families’ fun games…








The fathers, mothers, youth and kids split into four teams, played and competed with a joyous spirit, gaining points as they ran from one station to the other, sweating in the heat, yet also getting wet and cooling down ... We also enjoyed a time of swimming at the sea, and with the skills of kids and parents also building lovely castles in the sand….




At the end of the day, the young King’s Kids team prepared for performing and all the parents that attended were our loving and warm audience, encouraging and celebrating with us the goodness of our Lord and the graduation of their kids.



 It was a great joy to be surrounded by the families to see each one serving in his place and enjoying the work of the Lord….



Click for more photos


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //


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