Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
About House of Light
HOL April 2010 update
Sat , 3-4-2010 3815 views
2010 News update at the House of light.
2010 News Update
On the roof!
Children’s activities
- A couple is arriving at House of Light, end of April to help serve on the House of Light land.
- The Lord blessed us with a new keyboard to be used on prison visits as well as when group-visiting families the House of Light cares for, on trips and King's Kids outreaches in the open air.
- King's Kids bi-weekly meetings and bi-monthly weekends are a great joy, a step forward towards growth in Christ as well as unity in His Body on the weekends as Israeli Christian Arab, Israeli Messianic Jewish and Christian Palestinian youth.
- Visiting prisons is a blessing to many prisoners and their families. Friendship is built with some inmates. Growth in the Lord is observed in a couple of them. Some are failing and trying to restart. We have our eyes focused on the Lord to lift all of them up.
- A prisoner who asked us to visit his "wife" once he gave his life to the Lord and experienced the love of Christ, is now taking serious steps to get married in church. In the Light of God's word, they understood that their choice to live together for five years without marriage is delaying God's blessings in their life. This woman J needs a lot of prayers as she is diagnosed for the third time within five years, with cancerous tumors. Please pray also for healing of her body & soul, to know Jesus as her savior & friend. She goes to church every Sunday. Please pray also for permission from the prison authorities to let him go to church as he is allowed only to be at home once out of prison visiting his wife two days per month.
- A prisoner's family is showing progress in their social life. His daughter is studying first year in university. One son is working and has joined a Christian singing group. Praying for growth in faith for the whole family as they keep looking at the weaknesses of believers around them instead of looking at Jesus who never fails nor disappoints.
- N is free now. It was his 8th time in prison. The end of this confinement made a big change in His life! The Holy Spirit intervened and touched his wounded heart with a healing touch. It has been six months since he was released. He's attending church in his town and full of joy and life.
- We visited three foreigners at Be’er Sheva’ prison last Thursday. We had walked with them now for one year with as much as our language can help us. They are growing in their faith and the Lord arranged that they stay in the same room. In spite of their different tongues, they can worship and pray together every day. They are grateful to the Lord for “you”, those who are supporting them financially and in prayers to be released back to their families. Joshi is joyous for being spiritually free so he promised God to be fasting, having only a light meal in the evening until the Lord sets him physically free. He’s doing this now for 8 months. The Lord has given him the gift of praying in tongues and has worked on him and changed his personality in a tremendous way.
- Two foreign workers are leading a group of prayer and worship twice a week in their section at Ramla prison, near Tel-Aviv. They are asking Anis for more and more Bibles!
- Your prayers are answered and G who suffered from persecution in his room because of his faith, is now in a different section where he feels free to worship the Lord Who saved him. Out of this experience the Lord purified him and made him repent for the many times he persecuted and humiliated people.
- Our van is sound and healthy anew! Working hard made it suffer and the clutch rebelled and broke.
- Two of the youth who's music lessons are sponsored by some of you through House of Light, started helping with music during the Tuesday and King's Kids meetings.
- Anis to have heavenly wisdom and more of Jesus love, patience and direction as he experienced very tough time going into couple prisons last month. It seems that couple inmates he's been visiting now for some years are again living a bad life inside. The police suspects and searches carefully every one who visits them including Anis. Anis is thinking of stopping his visits to them until further heavenly notice.
Our daughter Rajaa', her husband Alon and their son Adam (who has already one tooth) who are in Colorado Springs since the end of March. They will be attending a DTS (Discipleship Training School) through Youth with a Mission for three months as they are leading King's Kids Israel. Please lift them before the throne!
Anis & Nawal, House of Light
Wed , 11-4-2018 2732 views
Vom 23. März bis zum 25. März fand ein weiterer, großartiger Familientag mit jüdischen, arabischen und schweizer Familien in der Baptist Village nahe Petah Tiqua statt. Indem wir uns von unserem himmlischen Vater gesegnet wussten, waren wir auch fähig selbst ein Segen zu sein und anderen mit frohem Herzen zu geben und zu dienen.
Sat , 10-3-2018 2748 views
Wir sind dem Herrn sehr dankbar für unsere Kinder und Jugendlichen von Kings Kids und all die Zeit, die sie miteinander und mit Gott verbringen. Zusammen, in einer starken Gemeinschaft, dürfen wir Gott auf neue Weise erfahren und großartige Sachen gemeinsam unternehmen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Ihnen einen kleinen Einblick in die aktuellen Kings Kids Aktivitäten geben: