Picking olives in the Holy Land

Fri , 31-10-2008

Picking the Olives at the House of Light land.


Picking Olives in the Holy Land




At House of Light we had the recent enjoyment of the olive harvest. Picking olives is an exciting annual tradition that people in the Middle East eagerly wait for. This ancient tree is not only a means of healthy fruit, but a symbol of ancient times and customs. The tree itself is an expression of abundance, glory and peace.


The mission of olive picking is not an easy one, but the time is well spent; friends and families come together, working to help each other accomplish a unified goal. Our favorite part of this time is the fellowship we enjoy with one another, chatting, laughing, and enjoying tasty foods that the women take turns preparing. Patience is a virtue when picking olives, and the time serves as its own teacher to the up and coming generation. They are taught to value the land and honor our Lord for providing the fruit and the ability to harvest it each year. 


This year several House of Light members and volunteers went to our own land and spent a day enjoying this very tradition. We sang and praised the Lord as we worked. Many of the trees were full and ready to be picked, and these we gathered by the bucketful. To complete this process, some of the olives were pickled, while others were sent to be pressed. Our Lord has been so gracious to us in giving the fruit of this harvest from the land. But far more importantly is His wonderful gifts of love, joy & peace that are shed abroad in our hearts. Our hearts are eternally thankful.




 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.


                                                                                                2 Corinthians 9:8


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //


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