April 2008 news

Sun , 20-4-2008

Read about the King's kids latest news and activities.


King's Kids

April 2008 news

From a seed to a plant
It is amazing how t
he arms that bear God’s word and plant the seed of His love, never come back empty… How in a moment, in the timing of the Lord, the natural turns into super natural, as He chooses to make himself personally known to a little one who chooses to listen…what a deep, life changing encounter, face to face with the creator…
In the beginning of this year, a very heart warming incident occurred as an 8 year old girl came to one of the leaders and asked if she could speak to her in private… Of course you know how at this age they always have something “secret” to tell their teacher, so the leader, being busy with many others, asked if it could be done later… The little girl smiled and said: “no problem” and went off. After the meeting was over, the little girl’s father came to pick her up, so she came in a hurry and asked the leader again: “can I please talk to you now?” “Of course” said the leader who almost forgot the girl wanted to say something to her in the first place. Yet the words that sweet girl was about to say, would never be forgotten, as she stood there with her Bible she said:” I just wanted to let you know that I accepted Jesus as my true personal Savior through you. You said a prayer during our summer retreat in July, and then I chose in my heart to follow Jesus”, she said this as she presented before the leader her personal Bible and her booklet of daily devotions for kids that she is reading now every day… All the leader could do in response was look into her little brown eyes and praise the Lord for finding His way into her heart. 
 Working with kids and youth for God’s Kingdom is rewarding… whether the fruit is seen here on earth or proclaimed only in heaven, we are encouraged. As we all do our daily work, may we always be reminded that we are to plant and water the seed yet it is He who grows it, all for His glory… He chooses to work in the lives of young and old as He wishes, and is pleased to use us just because He loves us…
From a plant to a tree
Like a small plant in a pot, it grows as it is watered, but when it’s too big for its pot it is moved into a bigger pot, and yet a bigger pot… till at some point it is really big and a pot cannot
contain it no more, it must be planted right into the ground…
This is how we feel about the team aged 19+. This year we started a new program for those that are above 19 years old and have been with us since they were 10 or so. We are blessed to call them now co-leaders, each in His gift. We enjoy spending a long evening with them once a month, studying about vision, gifts, prayer, leadership and more. We pray the Lord uses these times of fellowship to build them up, that they would reach their full potential in the ministry field, know God more yet from new aspects and make Him known to the younger generation. We are also blessed, despite the difficulty, to let them go, as they choose to enter training programs in and out of the country, being confidant that the Lord will bring them back with new energies and gifts fully determined to serve Him…

This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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