Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
King's Kids

Challenge 2019
Sun , 30-6-2019 3247 views
Twelve disciples completed the challenge 2019… twelve overcomers who each in his/her own way received a renewed and refreshed understanding on servant leadership and teamwork.
Five days outdoor, very little details of what the program looks like, making it a challenging process in many ways. For some it was the physical challenge of hiking, sleeping outdoor, giving up many comfortable habits of life, for others it was the interaction challenge of giving others the space to lead and being led, learning to express different opinions in a loving way…. For some it was the emotional challenge and various other challenges.
The Lord worked wonders in the lives of the young people, ages ranging from 15 to 22.
Here are some of their testimonies that tell much more precisely about the process they lived through:
* With God’s power we are able to do more than we usually can.
* To give up my rights to God
* To trust in the lord, you don’t need to know everything because He knows.
* To be thankful to God about the little things we have and to share it with others.
* The ability to lift others up
* I learned that there were gaps in my relationship with God, and that there are borders I can’t
pass alone
*I seek God’s present in different times
* Leading is carrying your team and not being a boss, to be responsible ,and to sacrifice, and
give encouragement.
* Leading is about deciding as a team and lifting each other up
* To take care of each other and let others feel safer.
* The best successful goal is happening when there is a team work, you can’t achieve
everything alone
* God has a great plan to my life, and I have to trust Him.
* God is always present in all situations
* God is generous
* God is the greatest because the moment you pour yourself in front of Him he will
forget all your sins
*God is forgiven and loving, He can do every thing
* It helped me take important decisions in my life and made me someone with an aim
in his life
* I learnt to challenge and push myself
* To trust God more and to go as His word is saying
* I got to know myself and God in a way I did not know before.
Thank you so much for the prayers and the partnership.
Our God is overwhelming and it is so encouraging to see young people getting into a deeper knowledge of Him.
Praying for you and all of His body, that we may know Him in many more new revelations in our everyday challenges…
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