Family camp 2019

Sun , 30-6-2019


“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15


It is one of the toughest decisions when someone stands up against all the fiery darts of the enemy aiming at their family and proclaims that statement in the verse above.

19 families did that this past April, 19 families of ministers and pastors, Arabs, Jews and from various nations, all chose to take a time out and have a family team building time.


Hallelujah… the Lord honors these fathers and mother who take this stand and He came through and touched families in many various ways.

“Family team and couple dynamics, we feel much more unified for sure, we know we will see much fruit in daily life”

“Our family has been needing time together, time to re-evaluate and look more into thins, this camp allowed us just that”

“We learnt and experienced the spiritual capacity of our three year old son during this camp, we will not underestimate that from now on”

It gave us an opportunity to get away and be stronger as family and to communicateconnect  and receiveencouragement

We were provided with some great practical tools to implement at home with regard to family worship , Bible study, etc


Thank you for covering the camp with your prayers and for helping make it happen.


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