Family Day - a team that unites in Prayer October 20th

Wed , 30-10-2019

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7


A family that prays together, stays together….

Not just a saying, but a truth.

This annual family encouragement day was geared towards families from the whole body of Christ, families that know the constant need to be encouraged, families that believe in the power of prayer.


When a family chooses to unite together in prayer, the enemy knows he is defeated.

Twenty one families came to participate and together with the staff families and individuals we were about 150 people gathered for the day.

Family days include a lot of interaction, a lot of creativity and ways to reach the hearts of the different ages.

This one put a spotlight on prayer as a couple and as a family and refreshed in the hearts of all who were present, the desire to fight for unity in prayer within our homes, to set a prayer strategy and be very intentional about it.

Every family took time to prepare a mini prayer wall to take home, a place to write and post their prayer topics and to choose to pray about them together.

Many families love the creative prayer stations, each station representing a different kind of prayer: thanksgiving, worship, petition, intercession, repentance and a few more.

Many said they loved the station where they could take a cup of the fruit/juice of the spirit, the one they felt a need for in their lives and their family prayed for them to be filled with that fruit.

Others loved the treasure hunt prayer walk and enjoyed the movement during prayer.

Many said at the end of the day that they were refreshed in their vision and decision for prayer in their couple and in their family and that they received creative tools to use at home as they apply it.

Hallelujah, He is victorious.


Thank you for praying for us, we knew we were entering a warfare, but we felt your prayers pushing us forward.

Please pray for the families, that each will find their strategy for uniting in prayer as a family and that they be strengthened as they apply it in daily life.




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