King's Kids 2014 Outreach

Tue , 12-8-2014 by Alon and Rajaa'

We praise the Lord for His work through the 2014 King's Kids outreach



Dear prayer partners,
“Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.” Acts 10:4b
Thank you so much for remembering us in your prayers during our outreach camp.
Hallelujah, let's praise the Lord and give Him glory together for all He has done...
This is a quick note to share a few of the highlights...

The outreach camp started at the Baptist Village where all the groups spent about 2 days in preparations and worship.

The group was divided into 4 teams; A, B, C and D. Each team included locals and internationals, Children, youth and adults. All came to serve the Lord despite the situation in the country.



 An Intergenerational group, ages 1-70 served the Lord together, different backgrounds, different languages, different ages, but one same Father and one same love to reach out and serve.

Here are a few testimonies:

 Team A: Tel-Aviv-Netanya outreach and house construction Beit Sahour:

 One of the girls on our team had been a Church goer, but through a difficulty she came across in the first few days of camp, the Lord spoke to her and she prayed and received Jesus as her personal savior.

Another guy on the team said: "This was a marvelous day, I worked more than I have ever worked, moved 6 tons of food into storage and I am so happy to do it"

The manager of the ministry in Beit Sahour said: "I've had many teams come and go, mostly not with young kids as you have on your team, but even those older youth and adults hadn't done a good job like you all did, kids, youth and adults"


Team B: Children's camp in Karmie’l and evangelism in Nazareth

The young people got the courage to go from door to door, knock and give evangelistic literature. Spoke to people sitting in a café and performed by Mary's well in Nazareth.

Team C: Worship and intercession in Jerusalem and evangelism in Tel-Aviv

After a time of prayer, the Lord put on our heart to go pray near the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), within a few hours, we checked whether we'd be allowed in and next thing you know, we had an appointment to come the following day and enter into the Knesset. As part of the tour, our guide from the Knesset staff took us to one of the meeting rooms of a parliamentary committee and showed us a short film about the Knesset. Before leaving the room to continue our tour, we explained about our group and goals, and we asked for a permission to pray in that room. We received a positive answer and we were able to pray in Arabic, Hebrew and English and even worship the Lord in singing. We felt the Lord's presence among us.



Team D: Outreach in Netanya and a day camp for Bedouin kids in a village near the House of Light land.

80+ Bedouin kids heard the truth of God's love to them, God created me, God loves me, God is close to me and God has a good plan for my life, 4 important facts that each of the 80+ kids learnt by heart.

A mother of one of the children came at the end of the three day camp and said she wants to send her children to King's Kids knowing that we teach about Jesus, she said she was looking for a long time for such an opportunity.


 The fields are ripe for harvest...  
Some feedback was:
"What a blessing to be young and adults together with families and older generation, we, being younger and usually more energetic gave a push forward and the older and more mature backed us up and helped guide us with their words of wisdom, it was a combination of the various gifting and maturity levels which made this time unforgettable."
"At first I thought this was not a good idea, why combine kids, youth and families? But now, having been there, I see the richness this has added to the ministry and to us personally."
Hallelujah... Thank you Jesus.
Thank you beloved partners, the Lord has heard your prayers and is magnified in our midst.
(We experienced great protection as the siren went off around 5 times during the camp, each time we were all amazingly protected)
“Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2: 47
In His love,
Alon and Rajaa'

For King's Kids Israel


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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