King's Kids back home

Wed , 2-9-2009

The mixed Arabic Jewish group of King's Kids have returned home from their 10-days-outreach to the Netherlands...


King’s Kids say “Dank u wel!” (Thank you very much!)
The King’s Kids Israel have completed their tour in Holland. A group of 6 Jewish and 6 Arab Kids - among whom 2 Palestinians - have toured in Holland and gave performances in various places. The audiences varied from 50 to about 600, however numbers don’t matter so much. We believe that anyone the Lord wanted to be present, was also present.
All performances were very successful. The songs on which the Kids performed their dances were all introduced by the Kids themselves who gave touching testimonies about how important it is to live close to the Lord, stay close to the Lord and how the Lord gave them unity among each other, despite their so different backgrounds. In and around Israel, Jews and Arabs in general live a very separated life and both groups harbour a lot of prejudices and hatred among each other. However, Jesus teaches us to love the ones who are usually called “the enemy” and audiences were very touched to see the Israeli Arab, Israeli Jewish and Palestinian Arab Kids dancing together in unity before the Lord.
The Kids themselves have also grown spiritually during their stay in Holland. The whole group has changed remarkably for the better and that’s only because of the work of the Holy Spirit in each and everyone of them. Most Kids are already dancing for some time with each other in Israel and know each other already well, but there is now even a lot more friendship, a lot more unity and a lot more understanding of each other’s backgrounds.
We really want to say to all of you: “Dank u wel!” for your prayers and other support. Above all we want to thank our Lord Jesus without Whom absolutely nothing of this would even be remotely possible.

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