Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
King's Kids
King's Kids Challenge
Sat , 3-4-2010 4086 views
King's Kids Challenge
King's Kids Challenge
King's Kids Challenge is a program, comparable to Christian boy-scouts, which was started about 2 years ago. As boys usually like to do outdoor activities and to improve and use their practical skills, as well as to explore their limits and to learn from nature, King’s Kids Challenge offers an attractive way of learning a lot about one's character and personality, about nature and the most important, about God.
Especially while being in nature, we find many examples and ways to teach the Word of God in a visual, memorable and exciting way. Often the participants can even experience spiritual principles by themselves. Nearly in every meeting, the group goes to a nearby forest to make some fire, use some tools, hike, learn about orientation, how to build a bivouac, first aid etc. From time to time, there are also trips or short camps. In one meeting, we made fire and melt wax in order to make torches with a wooden stick and peaces of cloth. In the next meeting, the boys were motivated to do a silent march in the darkness, while the question was asked if they really trust Jesus. Later as they lit their torches, we could talk about being a light in the darkness of the world.
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Wed , 11-4-2018 2727 views
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Sat , 10-3-2018 2745 views
Wir sind dem Herrn sehr dankbar für unsere Kinder und Jugendlichen von Kings Kids und all die Zeit, die sie miteinander und mit Gott verbringen. Zusammen, in einer starken Gemeinschaft, dürfen wir Gott auf neue Weise erfahren und großartige Sachen gemeinsam unternehmen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Ihnen einen kleinen Einblick in die aktuellen Kings Kids Aktivitäten geben: