King's Kids Israel Outreach Weekend

Sun , 21-2-2016 by Rajaa Grimberg

During the King's Kids Israel Outreach Weekend, we each experienced a mighty work of the Lord amongst us, as staff, participants as well as the young men we served on Saturday.


“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11




The Lord put this verse on our hearts as we were preparing for the King’s Kids Israel outreach Weekend last week… Through this verse He confirmed to us that during the weekend as a whole and the outreach in particular, we are to share testimonies of the work of our real and mighty Father in Heaven in our lives…




During the Weekend, we each experienced a mighty work of the Lord amongst us, as staff, participants as well as the young men we served on Saturday.




We lived three different processes during the weekend:




The First, our personal relationship with God, as we studied about the truth of who our Father God really is and His heart towards us His children, it felt like those truths we learnt were like a fresh shower washing away all kinds of lies that we had allowed satan to plant in our minds and hearts… Many came to realize that God is truly interested in the little details of our lives, that He has the highest and most awesome dreams for me and His love is real.




The Second process was that of bonding as a team, as one body of Christ. Many of the youth really took on the challenge of getting to know someone they did not know well before, they got out of their comfort zone and reached out to someone different from them, by the end of the 24 hours together, you could tell the group looked different, there were connections created and strengthened and that in itself is another victory.




The Third process had to do with the outreach time, it was an amazing experience to see each of the youth realizing their place in the ministry, starting on Friday they were working hard on preparing goodies to host our guests, learning a dance and an evangelistic drama to share on the following day… They worked hard and started to think and pray for the guys we would meet on Saturday.




On Saturday, as 13 Eritrean young men arrived, the youth welcomed them, served them, mingled with them, got to know them, listened to their stories, showed interest in them, played with them, shared testimonies of who Jesus is personally to them and took prayer and intercession times in turns in the ongoing prayer and intercession room that was set up during the whole weekend. They also shared the message of salvation through drama and testimony with them…




As one of the staff had prayed that morning of the outreach, he asked the Lord saying: “As small an experience as it is with only 13 young men to reach out to, Lord make it an experience that makes them have a real taste of the meaning of reaching out and serving and maybe even light up a fire in them, a passion to go and make disciples… We truly believe the Lord has…




Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, was our final concluding meeting, we got together and simply praised Him for all He has done, in all three aspects… our personal relationship with Him, our bonding as a team and the experience of reaching out and learning to be sent with the message of salvation.



Thank you for praying for us…

Rajaa Grimberg

Pictures of the weekend can be found in our photo album: House of Light Media Portal


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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