King's Kids Nazareth Outreach

Mon , 23-11-2015 by Janosch Haber

In mid-november, the King's Kids Youth groups from Shefa'-Amer and Jerusalem met in Nazareth for a joint outreach weekend, being an example of unity in current tense times.


In one of the conference rooms of St. Margaret's Guesthouse in Nazareth there is a group of youth practicing a dance performance to a catchy Christian song played from the speakers. Next door, some teenagers are having a lot of fun while learning how to tie balloon-figures like flowers, swords and the famous balloon poodle. And if you go into the long hallway, there are a number of tables loaded with small gifts and heaps of wrapping paper and lanyards, surrounded by yet another group of young Israelis busy with preparing different kinds of gift packages.

What makes this scene even more special is the fact that all of these groups are made up of young people of both Jewish and Arabic background; it is November 2015 and we are at the King's Kids Israel joint outreach weekend in Nazareth.

The outreach weekend began on Friday afternoon with a joint worship time (with English, Arabic and Jewish songs) and a testimony of Alon Grimberg who shared how he was called by God as a teenager. After that, the youth from Galilee and Jerusalem where divided in mixed groups of six or seven to go through a number of challenges in order to better get to know one another and break the ice at the beginning of the event. In one of these games, the King’s Kids for example needed to save an egg from breaking at a 2m fall, having only 25 straws and some tape to invent a landing device; in another challenge they had to cross a certain distance by only stepping on a small number of ‘sheets of ice’ – while half of them were blindfolded. For each passed challenge the groups received a piece of a code to decode a secret message that in the end lead them to a treasure of well-deserved sweets guarded by Nawal.














The third and last part of Friday night was the preparation of the hospital visit planned for the next day. During this time, the King’s Kids again split into different groups and prepared the dances, balloon figures and gift packages as described above. These activities also provided good opportunities for conversations that continued for a long time - and in some cases until the middle of the night.








Saturday morning started with a time of worship and Bible study. After that, the King’s Kids leaders offered short trainings in talking about your faith with Jews, Muslims, Atheists, cultural Christians or children, aimed at preparing the youth for the upcoming hospital visit.

In the afternoon, the King’s Kids drove to the Scottish hospital a few streets away and split up to visit the patients in the different wards. Here they performed their dances in the hallways, handed out the gift packages and brought time to just talk to or pray with the patients and their families. And - as I can report - especially in the Children’s ward this resulted in a lot of smiles and bright eyes!

The King’s Kids hospital visit was concluded with some practical volunteer work in and around the hospital’s chapel, washing windows and cleaning the gardens and streets around it and a feedback round where the youth could share their impressions and thoughts from the weekend. All in all, these two days offered on the one hand a great chance for the teenagers from different backgrounds to get together and get to know each other a little bit better. On the other hand, the hospital visit was a first-time experience for some of the youth and it was a special chance for them to talk and share about their faith.











A video of the outreach weekend can be seen at

This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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