King's Kids Ras Ali Outreach 2016

Wed , 25-5-2016 by Janosch Haber

In may 2016, the young King's Kids went to do an outreach on the House of Light Land near Ras Ali. Next to having their own time of worship, Bible study and planting five young fruit trees, they invited the children of the nearby village to come and join them for games, songs, ice cream, face painting and a short teaching.


The King's Kids outreach to Ras Ali was set under the main topic of discovering the four major attributes that define my personal relationship with God:

God created me - God loves me - God is close to me - God has a plan for my life

For this, the older King's Kids staff members prepared a short sketch, Rajaa shared a few stories - and the King's Kids all together performed one of the dances they learned when touring with Finish gospel choir EtCetera earlier this month. All in all, there was a lot of fun involved so that during this program as well as later during some group games, face painting or balloon-sword fights, the HOL Land was filled with laughter.

Before everyone had to go home, the program was topped of with popsicles for everyone and a challenging give-away: The King's Kids had prepared a small ruler for everyone that held seven rubber bands on one side and a red mark in its middle. The idea: Every time you manage to forgive someone for something they did, you can move a rubber band over the mark to the other side of the ruler. So at the end of the week you can check: Did I actually forgive people around me - or do I carry all the grudge with me into the new week?

Something we can all take away from this afternoon!

For a more visual impression of the King's Kids outreach, please check our photo gallery!

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