Kings Kids

Wed , 14-9-2011 by Fanny Bot

Amsterdam visits Galilee


Experiences in the House of Light in Shefa Amer

When the tour bus brought our Kings Kids team from Jerusalem to Shefa Amer, none of us knew what to expect, except for a whole lot of heat and a whole lot of new people. Because the base in Amsterdam is quite a big building, I was a little surprised when the bus stopped in the middle of a rural area and we were being told we had arrived. After lugging our heavy suitcases all the way through the street into the basement of the House of Light the good times started. The fun conversations that started out immediately, the lovely meal that was prepared for us and the welcoming game made us feel welcome immediately!

Getting to know each other 


In our host families a big surprise awaited us: the hospitality of the Arab people! We’re not used to that from our own culture, so the more thankful we were for the good care and all the sweet presents.

Through this means I would like to say again: Thank you!

 Laughing children and humorous clown


We very much enjoyed the activities we got to do together with the Kings Kids Galilea team. Dancing; clowning with face paint and costumes; sailing across the lake of Tiberias like real tourists; having a night service on the roof, which wouldn’t be possible in Holland because of the cold; visiting patients in the hospital; laughing loudly; drinking Arabic coffee. Every activity was an adventure!


 Service on the roof


Considering everything we’ve seen and done during our four days in Shefa Amer there is next to the overwhelming hospitality one thing that I’ll remember the most: the huge difference between our Dutch efficiency and pragmatism and the Arabic sociability and openness. I have to admit it was lovely to move into the quietness of the desert after this visit, although we immediately missed everyone!


 Dancing in the hospital


I love the fact that every now and then I can still talk with a few people of the

Kings Kids Galilee team, while looking out of my window and seeing the rain pouring down, knowing it’s warm and sunny in Israel. Then I think back and know again: we had an amazing time!






Maria and I wearing our team shirts

(photo property of Maria Ghantous)


Text: Fanny Bot

Photography: Dave de Haan


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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