Let's grow up together

Mon , 4-5-2009

Arab Christian children, from the House of light younger group of King’s kids, came together at the Baptist village, with Messianic Jewish children from Ha-Maayan congregation in Kfar-Saba.


Let’s grow up together
“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred,

Sixty or thirty times what was sown” mat. 13:8


Good soil is a treasure. Once you find it, you need to know how to care for it and keep it producing. This soil needs to be worked on, ploughed, planted, watered and nurtured. The Lord will care for the rest.
As a part of their program at the House of light, Arab Christian children, from the younger group of King’s kids, came together at the Baptist village, with Messianic Jewish children from Ha-Maayan congregation in Kfar-Saba.
At their arrival, over 70 young boys and girls, each got a tag with the name on, written in both languages, Arabic and Hebrew. العربية , עברית

The program began with a sketch about the joy of/in growing up together given by Karin Grimberg, Alon’s sister who’s one of the leaders of Children/youth group at Ha Ma’yan congregation. 


In order to demonstrate the unity between both sides, a torch was lit and held by Nawal and Orna,  as representatives of the older generation in Leadership nowadays. It was passed on to twos of the younger generations, one after the other and latest submitted to the little children who are the future leaders and hope to keep the torch lighting (keep the candle burning).

  Together we enjoyed a time of worship and prayer, a time for games and fun, Bible study, fun again and of course a time for physical food.

For the Bible study, the children were divided into three age groups. Emphasizing that the love of God unites us, they all learned about the “Farmer’s parable” from Matthew 13, and the importance of being good soil in order to nurture the seeds of the love of God in us so we also are able to love each other despite the differences and barriers.

In order to make it more perceptible, the children were given a pot with good soil, two kinds of seeds (resembling our two different nations). They planted the seeds in the pots, watered them and took the pots back home to continue taking care of.

 In addition, each child also got a T shirt with the theme of the gathering

“Let’s grow up together” printed in the two languages. يلاّ نكبر سوا , בואו נגדל ביחד

We praise the Lord for the fellowship as all through the program we experienced heavenly blessings and the Spirit of Joy, Peace and Unity ruled over us
Please keep lifting the new generation in prayer that they would keep up the good work the Lord has started in their lives and that no matter what the circumstances, the seed of Love and reconciliation will grow and bring fruit for the Glory of the Lord.

This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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