Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.
King's Kids
Pre summer break young King's kids activities
Thu , 13-6-2013 4251 views
Young King's kids held their pre summer break activities including a weekend with their families.
King’s kids’ 2013 summer break is coming soon. The House of Light was full with enthusiastic children and I could see every single smile on the kids’ faces as they entered for the three hour afternoon program. The joy and happiness in their expressions just brings out the light of the Holy Spirit shining through these young children of God.
At the end of the program we all gathered on the roof for a very special group farewell. Each child was given a balloon and a marker to write Praises, lifting the name of Jesus on high. Once everyone was finished, we would release the balloons at the same time. This was something very thrilling to witness. It was hard to say goodbye but we blessed them and sent them with the Grace of God, trusting to see each other on Summer camps and other activities until they gather again for the next King’s Kids year round program in October 2013.
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