The "Challenge" program

Mon , 21-7-2014 by Alon and Rajaa'


Dear prayer partners,
Thank you so much for the prayers.
The Lord blessed our camp and all 12 participants and 10 staff (+7 kids) went home blessed and healthy :)
A lot of hiking, outdoor lodging and many more challenges brought to the surface various reactions and each participant was able to bring himself before the Lord and receive new perspective.
The topics of the days were: Surrender, team work, serving and celebrating in times of hardship.
Following are some reactions of some of the participants:
"I learnt not to fear the unknown and that it is much easier to live through hardships with others around you"
"I realized that I have leadership skills and am capable of caring for others and reaching the goal"
"I learnt to give up things I thought were most important in my life"
"I learnt that I am capable to endure hardships"
"I learnt that God wants the best for us"
"I learnt what team work really is"
"I learnt to give my dreams to God"
"I learnt that with God on my side, I can overcome the most difficult and scary challenges"
"I learnt that God doesn't change and He never leaves me, especially not in the hardest times"
"I learnt to be satisfied with what I have"
"I learnt that a leader is not necessarily one that can do everything, but one that knows how to work with a team"
"I learnt to overcome fear"
"I learnt to humble myself"
"I learnt that true leadership is not necessarily to be walking in the front, but to recognize people's giftings and to put them in the right place and with the right responsibility"
"I learnt that I can do way more than I think"
"I learnt that Arabs and Jews are not that different"
"I learnt that every challenge God puts before us in life is one He knows we'll be able to overcome"
"I learnt to give up my rights without complaining or arguing"
"I learnt that leadership is a lot about coordinating tasks, seeing and supporting others' talents, stepping back and letting others receive first"
"I learnt to let go, take my hands off the wheel"
"I learnt that a team is better than one"

The Lord is at work, ALL glory be to His name, the name above all names, Jesus Christ our Lord.


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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