University of Biblical Occupations - Bakery

Fri , 13-11-2015 by Janosch Haber

The first trade in the focus of the King’s Kids University of Biblical Occupations is baking. So next to their time of worship and bible study, the King’s Kids children today learnt about the art of making bread.

When you entered House of Light for today’s King’s Kids meeting, you really could have gotten the idea that you were actually entering a university building: Around the classrooms there were large banners and posters with the King’s Kids University logo and the central verse of the program, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mat. 6,33 NIV) and just inside, you were asked to move your student card on the attendance board to indicate that you really are present.


After worship and bible study in small groups, all King’s Kids came back to the main auditorium to watch short clips about the process of making bread – today and in the old days. Then Nadia (Em Nabeeh), an elderly woman, gave a practical, professional lesson in kneading the dough for high-quality handmade bread. But it didn’t stop there: After the theoretical learning, the children then each got a share of the dough and could practice their newly learned skills, turning the auditorium into a real bakery. At the same time, a number of ovens were prepared outside so that in the end of the day everyone could eat his own fresh, self-made bread.


A special item to the King’s Kids University of Biblical Occupations is a machine that takes in the children’s student cards and issues puzzle pieces that the kids can glue into their folders to prove their learning progress. And not only does it issue puzzle pieces – it also puzzled some of the children as to how it could be working on the inside. But they still have some time to figure this out, as the bakery was only the first of nine units on biblical trades that will be covered in the next months.  



This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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