Die Belohnungen im ewigen Reich Gottes sind mehr wert als das zeitliche Opfer, was man dafür bringt.Manchmal braucht es nur ein bisschen Freundlichkeit, um uns daran zu erinnern, wie sehr sich unser Gott um uns kümmert. Vielen Dank für eure großen Herzen, eure Liebe, Gebete und Geschenke – sie sind ein großer Beitrag.Gemeinsam dürfen wir über grossartige Ernte freuen.
Prison Ministry
Prison ministry Prayer Requests
Sat , 17-11-2018 4368 views
Dear Prayer warriors
“If the Son sets you free then you are really Free”
Visiting inmates with a group of committed people who come with faith and trust that Jesus died for these inmates as well. And those who accept HIM are given authority to be “The Children of God”
It’s too early for Christmas yet Jesus is born in many hearts on a daily basis.
Starting Nov. 7th
We go into 12 prisons in Israel, with love and enthusiasm, as a group of locals, accompanied by “Nina Astrom” a well-known Christian singer from Finland, and two of her singing band.
We give the prisoners from Christian back ground (Russian speaking, Arabs and foreigners including foreign workers who stayed in the country without a visa) the word of God, a Bible in their language and some snacks that we must buy inside the prison. The bag of snacks & sweets costs around 50 NIS/ per person.
We are grateful for the Lord for putting on our path all those who give us for free, hundreds of Bibles and Christian books in more than ten different languages.
Once the Finish group goes home, we as locals will continue the same way, visiting the inmates in 12-13 other prisons.
If the Lord leads you to be part of giving to these precious people in HIS eyes, please be in touch with us at House of Light.
"This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus." Eph 3:6
“A savior from heaven, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” Phil 3:21
Anis & Nawal/HOL