Prison updates

Mon , 3-12-2018

Rejoice reaping the good harvest with us.

*       By the Lord's grace, His presence and success, we already finished
12 prison visits. We saw some shiny faces that only HE could be The ONE who
have changed the hearts. 
*       Our co-worker in prison ministry is right now at the gate of one of
the prisons, receiving a released prisoner who served his confinement for
more than 12 years. He accepted the Lord in prison and grew in his love to
God's way. We found him a place to stay for a while until we find him where
to live permanently.  
*       M: "When you come, I/We feel safe and loved. Our hope in life lives
again inside us."
*       S: "I used to spend the Bible lessons arguing with you. Trying to
mock you and The Word you bring. Now I feel I'm empty, I want to learn more
and I want to grow in my faith and walk with the Lord."
*       C is now a source of joy to us after many years, many visits, much
prayer and petition before The Throne. His blue clothes assured that he's
progressing in his behavior which will assure his earlier release.
*       The same morning of our visit at the Detention Center, the Rabbi
phoned: "Just before you come, I want to tell you that some of the prisoners
are on their way to court, others are being moved to a different prison, one
is admitted to hospital and there's only one prisoner from Christian
background left. Do not take the burden of travelling the way to see him."
But of course we know that Jesus cares for The One Lost Sheep,.... So we
shared with the Rabbi that our faith urges us to care for the One Lost Sheep
and we/ a group of six people, with a guitar, went and were excited to know
that this man who is in prison for the sixth time, is waiting for someone to
bring him the Bible. He prayed the prayer of salvation after confessing his
sin before the Lord. We trusted him in the hands of our Savior and are
waiting to hear from him, what the court's decision in his case will be, so
Anis can follow up with him. 
*       Visiting the prison hospital in its two parts, physical and mental,
gave us satisfaction. These are people that Jesus cares for and can heal
with a word that comes from his mouth.
*       Praise the Lord for the permission to bring in with us, Musical
instruments, Bibles, Christian story books, Calendars,... etc
*       We were happy to know that this year there are less prisoners from
Christian background. In some prisons there are none of them, so we still
have 8 prisons to go. After Hanukah.

So have a Happy Hanukah and remember us in prayers as we re-start visiting
on Dec. 17th. 

Anis & Nawal/HOL



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