House of light - April 2008

Mon , 5-5-2008

House of light April news


The House of light in brief...


This photo was taken on a day we hosted a Galilee women’s meeting.

We evangelize people and they meet Jesus at the well with the Samaritan lady and a repenting heart. The Lord chose us, both Arab and Messianic Jewish believers in Christ, to be a bridge. The bridge needs to be strong because many will step on it. It needs to stand steadfast in the face of all storms like threats of war in the Middle East, attacks in Gaza, Jerusalem and Ariel and the question of who is right and who is wrong. Politics is not ours. We are one in Christ who unites us, and the bridge we make with our unity helps people to open the door of their heart to Jesus.

This is a selection of news and prayer points from the House of Light. If you want to be informed more often and more elaborate, please send an e-mail to

News in brief:

  • A group from PFI (Prayer for Israel) visited us lately. They prayed and blessed us.

  • 2 Arab King's Kids girls joined a Messianic Jewish group to Germany for a special youth conference with Yakim Figueras from the Messianic Jewish congregation in Arad.

  • The course for single parents is coming to an end this month. Women are set free from many binds in their lives and still they need to work more on their lives. Now they have the clue how to do that.

  • We also finished a course about better life taught by Ilham who accepted the Lord many years ago at the House of Light. She is Nawal’s right arm in teaching women. We are praying to have a conference abroad where we can send these women as a token of our appreciation for their efforts, persistence and progress.

  • Aida is in bad health yet as usual praising the Lord and worshipping him. She had an operation as preparation for dialyses.

  • A volunteer will come from the States for three months starting April.

General prayer points

  • Children who take music lessons to be committed and to have the will to worship the Lord with what they learn.

    The House of Light owns a farming land. When we sold our family land and waited seven years until the Lord showed us this specific land to buy for His glory, our vision was to build a rehabilitation center on it. We understood later that we need a long process and many official steps even going to court to achieve this goal since there's a Jewish village near this land. Thus they don't give Arabs permission to expand their property or build on it. The land is nice to the eye. A brook passes right near it and there are big possibilities so far, to farm a part of it and prepare the other part for camps/tents. We tried this one year and it worked great. We even were blessed to be given water for showers and toilets from a Muslim family in the nearby Muslim village. The land is almost 6 dunams which is two and a half acres. It has 33 olive trees on one side, out of 60 that we planted some years ago. It has a fence around it yet it was broken into several times and a space was made in the fence to let goats go in and eat. The goats mainly licked the trunk of the olive trees and that's how many trees died. With all what we have in the ministry we don't have enough time to go and keep an eye on the Land. That's where a big need is for a Christian man or couple, who loves working the land. They don’t have to be qualified farmers, since the main purpose out of it is to send the ex prisoner or addict with this man or couple to tend the land and study the scriptures as well as real Christian life

This article is also available in English // Nederlands //


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