New Years Update

Wed , 20-1-2021

Love never Gives Up, Never Loses Faith, and endures through every Circumstance. 

  (1Cor. 13:7)


Unity too endures in spite of the Covid 19 restrictions, keeping distance, No visits, No hugs, etc… We can still enjoy the Boundless Measure of God’s perfect Love!

And you our dear Prayer Warriors and Friends, are a beautiful act of Kindness from the Heart of God to ours.



Hope your Christmas  and each day of the New Year keep overflowing with God’s Love, Light, Health, Protection, and Joy.


Some updates 

We, the Barhoums, seniors and juniors, and the House of Light staff, praise the Lord for HIS care and protection all throughout 2020. By the power of the HOLY SPIRIT we go ahead doing the missions we are chosen to fulfill. The Lord is at work.


Prison ministry 

It’s not the same doing all things through the Media, especially visiting prisoners through Zoom. Yet, God with HIS Holy Spirit completes our and the media's iniquities and shortages.


Couple in-mates phone on a weekly basis to hear a biblical teaching from Anis, pour their hearts before the Lord, and end with prayer as HE comforts their hearts with HIS living word.





By the Lord's power and your prayers, one inmate had just undergone surgery and is healing. Another is studying Christian theology by correspondence. An ex prisoner who accepted the Lord as his savior is getting married tomorrow.


We also hold some short visits to prisoners’ families, mostly outdoor in their own towns and villages. Trying to care for their Spiritual and physical needs.


king’s Kids

We can say that King’s Kids and young leaders’ activities are doubled now by zoom alongside small group meetings. In August we held couple, one- night camps, on the land and recently we had special activities for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


The House od light land and ministry 

We’re privileged to have the land, full of physical and spiritual fruit. All our meetings, visits, and counseling take place there. More fellowship through phone, on rainy days.



click the button below and

enjoy some photos here



Enjoy below the King's Kids christmas greetings :





King's Kids Kinder Wochenende See Genezareth 2018

Mon , 11-6-2018

Vom 1.6 bis zum 3.6. hatten wir ein besonderes Wochenende mit den King's Kids Kindern in Tabgha am See Genezareth. Dort konnten wir Bibel lesen, im Wasser spielen, hatten Detektiv-Spiele, Wasserspiele, Bastelstationen und Gebetsstationen.

Familientag Frühling 2018

Wed , 11-4-2018

Vom 23. März bis zum 25. März fand ein weiterer, großartiger Familientag mit jüdischen, arabischen und schweizer Familien in der Baptist Village nahe Petah Tiqua statt. Indem wir uns von unserem himmlischen Vater gesegnet wussten, waren wir auch fähig selbst ein Segen zu sein und anderen mit frohem Herzen zu geben und zu dienen.

Kings Kids auf einer Detektiv-Mission

Sat , 10-3-2018

Wir sind dem Herrn sehr dankbar für unsere Kinder und Jugendlichen von Kings Kids und all die Zeit, die sie miteinander und mit Gott verbringen. Zusammen, in einer starken Gemeinschaft, dürfen wir Gott auf neue Weise erfahren und großartige Sachen gemeinsam unternehmen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Ihnen einen kleinen Einblick in die aktuellen Kings Kids Aktivitäten geben:

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