King's Kids Children Travel the World

Mon , 6-2-2012

Without even leaving the House of Light, the King's Kids children get to experience many countries around the world


Once a month, the King's Kids children get to experience a different country from all over the world.  Each child has a passport with their photo and they recieve a stamp from each country they learn about.  The passport shows the true nationality of each child:  that they belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Because of the cross of Jesus, these children have the power to swim against the tide of this world since they know their true identity.  When the children travel, the House of Light ministry room has transformed so far into Sudan, Germany, Jordan, China, and Brazil.  The kids learn about the culture and important facts from these countries.  The children also learn about children and ministries in that country and are given the opportunity to pray for them. 

The King's Kids most recent visit was to Brazil.  House of Light currently has two volunteers from Brazil.  This couple did an amazing job showing the children what their country is like!



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