King's kids Israel February 2014 gathering

Fri , 7-2-2014

Breaking down walls that separate, and together, building up walls that protect


Breaking down walls that separate, and together, building up walls that protect


Maybe that’s a good way to describe our latest King’s Kids Israel weekend…


After arriving from different parts of the land to beautiful Yad Hashmona, the youth started to gather together, yet many were trying to “run away” into their familiar setting, either with their own language mates, with their own team members or some just them and their smart phone…


Very quickly we asked for all phones to be switched off and got the team to split into small groups, 5 Action Groups which we mixed as much as we knew how to… These groups will be their team for this weekend, discussion group after Bible study, prayer time, games and more…




 After an intense time of team building games and activities as well as Bible study, worship and small group discussions, a time that could be called “breaking down walls that separate”, we all got ready, put on the old clothes we brought, got on the bus and drove to our ministry location.


A few days before the weekend, the Lord opened the door for us to go and serve in a house being renovated and fixed to accommodate handicapped Palestinian people. The house is located in an area C, a Palestinian inhabited area into which Israelis can legally enter.


Paint brushes, paint, plastic bags, wood, brooms, shovels and many other tools were prepared for our team, each one chose his location and started at his job for the next couple of hours… It was a big blessing to see that although we only had a short time to give, the Lord blessed the works of our hands and gave good results. This is the part we could call: “together, building up walls that protect”… Together, Israeli Arab and Jewish believers, contributing something, though little, to help build this house for the Palestinian handicapped people…


The amazing thing is that the paint on those walls looks just the same on the outside despite the different hands that painted it…



May we as worshipers of the most high, coming from different nationalities, backgrounds and languages, paint such a reflection of Jesus’ beauty, one that shows Him and Him alone despite the different painters…


We are very grateful that the Lord chooses to link His children together in His service and for His purposes, we know for sure that the Arabic speaking King’s Kids Galilee team as well as the Hebrew speaking King’s Kids Jerusalem team and King’s Kids central Israel team WILL be returning to further serve this wonderful initiative of a home for the handicapped Palestinians…


This article is also available in English // Nederlands //

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