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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Wed , 20-1-2021 4510 views
Love never Gives Up, Never Loses Faith, and endures through every Circumstance. (1Cor. 13:7) Unity too endures in spite of the Covid 19 restrictions, keeping distance, No visits, No hugs, etc… We can still enjoy the Boundless Measure of God’s perfect Love! And you our dear Prayer Warriors and Friends, are a beautiful act of Kindness from the Heart of God to ours.
Mon , 7-9-2020 4579 views
After months physically apart, we finally had the chance to have a King’s Kids camp at Abu Naeem’s land with the Youth. Themed “Christmas in August''- redirecting our eyes at the salvation that has come and that is yet to come, inspired by the verses in Luke 2:30- 32- when Simon saw the baby Jesus he said: “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles,and the glory of your people Israel.” Along with Special times of worship, quiet time, prayer for the nations , ministry including fun times of fellowship and games. Our Goal and our prayer is for the youth to truly experience the goodness and salvation of the Lord even through hard times,suffering and pain. To know Him, love Him,to be excited and fascinated by His salvation . Thank you all for your love and prayers King’s Kids Galilee
Tue , 7-4-2020 7714 views
Anis, founder of House of Light, had a dream which he never shared with others thinking it’s only a dream. He had already drawn a plan of a rehabilitation center on a farming land. This was his vision in 1974 after working for many years amongst addicts who got healed by prayer.
Tue , 7-4-2020 2248 views
Anis, founder of House of Light, had a dream which he never shared with others thinking it’s only a dream. He had already drawn a plan of a rehabilitation center on a farming land. This was his vision in 1974 after working for many years amongst addicts who got healed by prayer
Tue , 7-4-2020 6459 views
Anis, founder of House of Light, had a dream which he never shared with others thinking it’s only a dream. He had already drawn a plan of a rehabilitation center on a farming land. This was his vision in 1974 after working for many years amongst addicts who got healed by prayer
Wed , 30-10-2019 3964 views
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7 A family that prays together, stays together…. Not just a saying, but a truth. This annual family encouragement day was geared towards families from the whole body of Christ, families that know the constant need to be encouraged, families that believe in the power of prayer.
Wed , 30-10-2019 4101 views
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 The King’s Kids youth group has always been the heartbeat of King’s Kids, they are the dynamic, on the go, connecting link between the younger and the older generation.
Sun , 30-6-2019 3177 views
Twelve disciples completed the challenge 2019… twelve overcomers who each in his/her own way received a renewed and refreshed understanding on servant leadership and teamwork.
Sun , 30-6-2019 2836 views
“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15 It is one of the toughest decisions when someone stands up against all the fiery darts of the enemy aiming at their family and proclaims that statement in the verse above. 19 families did that this past April, 19 families of ministers and pastors, Arabs, Jews and from various nations, all chose to take a time out and have a family team building time.
Mon , 3-12-2018 3737 views
The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice.Sometimes all what it takes is a little kindness, to remind us how much Godcares.Thank you for your big hearts. Your love, prayers and gifts make a bigdifference.Rejoice reaping the good harvest with us.
Sat , 17-11-2018 4398 views
Dear Prayer warriors“If the Son sets you free then you are really Free” Visiting inmates with a group of committed people who come with faith and trust that Jesus died for these inmates as well. And those who accept HIM are given authority to be “The Children of God”
Sat , 13-10-2018 5572 views
During our summer Prayer Camp in Jordan we felt as if the Lord allowed us to see a glimpse of what He has promised for our region for the later days in Isaiah 19, 22-25. It says there that there will be a highway between Assyria & Egypt and these nations will worship Him together on that highway and Israel will be the third, along with Assyria and Egypt, a blessing on the earth!
Sat , 13-10-2018 6877 views
In 1993 the Lord sent a delegate from King’s Kids Switzerland and Germany to launch what is now existing as King’s Kids Israel. This past summer, we, as King’s Kids Israel flew to Slovakia to help launch their King’s Kids initiative. This has surely been a beautiful Kingdom principle of paying forward.
Mon , 11-6-2018 4358 views
From 1.6. to 3.6. we had a special weekend with King's Kids Children in Tabgha. We studied the word of God, played in the water, had detective games, water games, crafts and prayer stations.
Wed , 11-4-2018 4320 views
From the 23rd of March to the 25th of March another amazing Family Day with Jewish, Arabic and Swiss families took part in the Baptist Village near Petah Tiqua. Celebrating that we are blessed by our heavenly father, we're also able to give and serve with a joyful heart and be a blessing to others too, in this way.
Sat , 10-3-2018 5134 views
Praise the Lord for our children and youth from Kings Kids and every minute they can spend time with each other and the Lord. Together, in blessed fellowship and unity we're experiencing God in new ways and are able to do great things together. Here you get a little insight in the Kings Kids activities.
Thu , 8-3-2018 4573 views
In the days before Christmas our Kings Kids took part in the annual Dance Performances at the Nazareth Village. Dancing with joy for the Lord brought a special atmosphere that inspired us and the people watching our dances to think again about the real meaning of Christmas and how to expect Christ in a proper way:
Sun , 24-12-2017 11327 views
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A special thank you for each and every one of you who walked alongside us all through the past year, lifting us in prayers, believing in the work we are called to do and supporting House of Light Physically, Spiritually and Financially
Tue , 3-10-2017 7209 views
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. ………Love each other as I have loved you” John 15: 8+12 (NIV) Young believers are the Hope of the nations and the thriving future of our faith, Churches and visions.
Sat , 30-9-2017 7666 views
From the first up to the third of September we enjoyed being at Tabgha for our annual conference
Wed , 19-4-2017 5270 views
25 King´s Kids Youth & 10 leaders, gathered for a special Easter Camp, on a big space around Alon & Rajaa’s house. The Aim was to help them grow in their relationship with the Lord, to know HIM better and better, to disciple and accompany them in their spiritual walk.
Sat , 18-3-2017 4621 views
On March 12th, King´s Kids welcomed and served 18 Messianic Jewish and Arab families
Thu , 2-2-2017 by Aaron und Tobias 5803 views
Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. Hebrews 13:3 (NLT)
Mon , 2-1-2017 6016 views
Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. Proverbs 15:30 NIV
Mon , 2-1-2017 5020 views
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
Mon , 2-1-2017 4301 views
"Praise the Lord, the Vision of more than 30 years has become true!" Overwhelmed, Nawal cried out with eyes welling up with tears. Many other leaders had the same response as they shared their impressions after the very blessed weekend.
Wed , 25-5-2016 by Janosch 4883 views
In may 2016, King's Kids Israel supported Finish gospel choir EtCetera with dances on three performances of their Israel tour.
Wed , 25-5-2016 by Janosch Haber 4340 views
In may 2016, the young King's Kids went to do an outreach on the House of Light Land near Ras Ali. Next to having their own time of worship, Bible study and planting five young fruit trees, they invited the children of the nearby village to come and join them for games, songs, ice cream, face painting and a short teaching.
Sun , 21-2-2016 by Rajaa Grimberg 4649 views
During the King's Kids Israel Outreach Weekend, we each experienced a mighty work of the Lord amongst us, as staff, participants as well as the young men we served on Saturday.
Mon , 15-2-2016 by Janosch Haber 3641 views
University of Biblical Occupations - UpdateTime flies by and the new year 2016 is already a few weeks old again. This means that also the King’s Kids Galilee Children group have met a number of times and continued their program in the University Of Biblical Occupations. In this update, we want to give you a short impression of what happened during these meetings.
Fri , 25-12-2015 4898 views
During the Christmas Season, a team of HOL volunteers visits around 21 prisons in Israel to meet, talk and pray with convicts of christian backgrounds, to sing songs and distribute little Christmas presents.
Tue , 22-12-2015 4238 views
On 21st and 22nd of December 2015, King's Kids performed a number of special dances during the Nazareth Village's Christmas celebrations.
Fri , 27-11-2015 by Janosch Haber 3686 views
The second trade that the King's Kids Children studied in their University of Biblical Occupations was textile manufacturing - together with a practical lesson in sewing.
Mon , 23-11-2015 by Janosch Haber 5008 views
In mid-november, the King's Kids Youth groups from Shefa'-Amer and Jerusalem met in Nazareth for a joint outreach weekend, being an example of unity in current tense times.
Fri , 13-11-2015 by Janosch Haber 3822 views
The first trade in the focus of the King’s Kids University of Biblical Occupations is baking. So next to their time of worship and bible study, the King’s Kids children today learnt about the art of making bread.
Tue , 3-11-2015 4788 views
Going up to the Northern side of Sea of Galilee, one can pass by two very large areas, beautifully designed & built. Very clean and attractive sites. There’s a chance of thinking: “It’s a very nice holiday village that lies at the foot of a beautiful mountain, so near to the lake and to Mount Arable, we might check possibility of staying there for our next conference.
Sat , 31-10-2015 by Janosch Haber 3938 views
In October 2015, the King’s Kids Children group started a new program called the King’s Kids University of Biblical Occupations. During the next few months they will be exploring the different trades described in the Bible and through them learn scriptures and stories from the time of Jesus and the Old Testament.
Tue , 20-10-2015 3764 views
We went in an outreach to Romania with the King's Kids Israel team, including Arab & Messianic Jew youth and families
Mon , 20-4-2015 by Alon and Rajaa' 4627 views
23 participants and 15 staff (plus 7 staff kids) walked the land (at least part of it), sweat (without deodorant), slept under the stars, fellowshiped, studied the word and above all, learnt to be overcomers in Jesus' mighty power...
Tue , 12-8-2014 by Alon and Rajaa' 4354 views
We praise the Lord for His work through the 2014 King's Kids outreach
Sun , 4-8-2013 3531 views
A performance of the King's Kids mission team to Holland.
Wed , 24-7-2013 by Anis & Nawal 4150 views
A mission trip of King's kids Israel to Holland
Tue , 25-6-2013 3542 views
House of Light held a special dinner in honor of the King's kids who graduated from High School.
Mon , 24-6-2013 3540 views
The Small King’s Kids and their families had a very blessed, fruitful and relationship strengthening time at Tabgha.
Thu , 13-6-2013 4285 views
Young King's kids held their pre summer break activities including a weekend with their families.
Thu , 13-6-2013 5119 views
A criminal becomes a disciple of Jesus
Tue , 22-5-2012 3781 views
The monthly Galilee Women meeting, A joint meeting for Arab Christian women and Jewish believers, was held on the House of Light land.
Wed , 4-4-2012 4981 views
House of Light Team ministers at a prison for Sudanese Refugees
Tue , 27-12-2011 4154 views
King's Kids Celebrate Jesus' birth by performing at Abbu Snan & Nazareth
Sat , 3-9-2011 by Rajaa Grimberg 4376 views
God's faithfulness generation to generation
Thu , 7-7-2011 3588 views
Young King's Kids celebrate the 2010 - 2011 end of the year and also say "Good Bye" to Daniel.
Sun , 10-4-2011 4244 views
Every new day is a new blessing and by the Grace of the Lord there are always praise reports to share, yet here rises a prayer request, someone to observe, pray and write the wonders of our God!!
Sun , 12-12-2010 5509 views
The Israeli Prison Service sends an admiration letter to Anis and Nawal Barhoum.
Thu , 12-8-2010 3980 views
This years camp was held in Achziv for three days. 28 youth from Arab and Jewish origin came together under the motto 'Extreme'.
Tue , 27-7-2010 4423 views
House of Light families spend a weekend at Kibbutz Nes Ammim
Mon , 12-7-2010 4717 views
Young Kings Kids spend a weekend camping at Nes Ammim
Wed , 23-6-2010 3902 views
Kings Kids gather to celebrate the Creation Story and the end of a very good year
Tue , 15-6-2010 3887 views
Gathering of Arab Christians & Messianic Jewish Pastors and Ministers
Wed , 23-12-2009 3780 views
The King's kids take part in the Christmas celebrations in the Galilee
Sun , 22-11-2009 4363 views
The King’s Kids Israel have completed their tour in Holland. A group of 6 Jewish and 6 Arab Kids - among whom 2 Palestinians - have toured in Holland and gave performances in various places
Fri , 31-10-2008 3835 views
Picking the Olives at the House of Light land.
Sun , 31-8-2008 3559 views
Our theme this year at camp was “The Domino Effect,” and how we must live a life that resists the enemy’s attempts to make us fall.
Thu , 28-8-2008 3615 views
Watermelon…. Longed for indeed, especially in the hot days of Israeli summer….
Thu , 28-8-2008 4131 views
Being in the shoes of those who walked the land centuries before us Experiencing the life changing encounters with God in the Old Testament, Reliving the astonishing miracles and deeds of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.