"I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works."

Psalm 9:1

About Prison Ministry

Going up to the Northern side of Sea of Galilee, one can pass by two very large areas, beautifully designed & built. Very clean and attractive sites. There’s a chance of thinking: “It’s a very nice holiday village that lies at the foot of a beautiful mountain, so near to the lake and to Mount Arable, we might check possibility of staying there for our next conference.

But coming nearer, one will immediately try to re-wind the thought. There you see the strong, thorny fence with all the horrible watch dogs going around, guarding the place. At that moment, reality set in. It’s obvious that these are two big prisons, full of people, who, like me and you, need the salvation and mercy of God. Then one realizes that no matter how unique and good to the eye the place is, people there still lack hope & love. The place is full of darkness, sin, suffering, lack of freedom, no joy, …… unless the Lord Jesus meets the inmates face to face and changes their lives and attitudes.
By the Lord’s grace, knowing WHO we believe in, HIS great unlimited power and HIS big heart that does not leave HIS children embarrassed, we continue to visit there and in 20 other prisons all around the country, bringing the Good News that can change the in-mates’ failure into success and help them see HOPE in the LOVE of Jesus, look beyond their problems, brokenness and all their painful past. We trust the Holy Spirit to do the work that none of us can do, “going before us, preparing the ground, fixing the inner person, healing the utmost depth of the wounds and renewing the souls and spirits”.
He is almighty and we praise HIM admiring HIS everlasting love and forgiveness. His amazing power in doing various miracles in so many numerous unique, and creative ways.
‘We’re perfectly acceptable, if not yet acceptably perfect.
We’re ‘predestined to be conformed
to the likeness of his Son.’
So we’re a work

 in progress!

·        Two inmates were given a third off their confinement and are now free to live their faith in the big, wide, deep same society yet this time trusting the Lord with them for a real new life as they have promised HIM being inside. Believers follow up with them. One of them together with his wife has just been baptized.
·        “y” phones every week to be prayed for and to know how he can pray for us as he takes his daily time with the Lord.
·        S + E are healed from cancer. People around them tell about the change in their lives and attitudes.
·        “G” is still waiting for his sentence. He’s the only prisoner from Christian background in one of the prisons. The guards wonders how two and more of us continue to take the long way to visit only one person. This opened the door for us to share about the Shepherd’s love for the one lost sheep. G’s repentance led him to think of his Mom and her suffering. He asked her and many others for forgiveness. According to his request we found believers who can care for his mother’s physical & spiritual needs and accompany her when she goes to hospital for treatment. “G” has many gifts especially in Sports. We pray that when he’s released, he can use for the Lord’s glory what he so far has used to release his anger.

Please pray for:
·        People with a calling, whom we can train, so more inmates will be reached and more of those released will be followed up.
·        Post prison home
·        Finding jobs and support for those released.
·        All those who in spite of taking steps forward with Jesus yet still struggle with their self- centered attitude. Not to fail nor fall back
·        200NIS monthly support for 17-20 prisoners’ canteen to buy food and basic needs. (Prisoners who have no family to support them
·        Group visits around Christmas. Reaching out to more prisoners with the word of God. Each December, prison authorities allow us to buy some snacks at the prison canteen and give each prisoner we reach out to. Per present will cost around 15$
·        2 inmates are planning to get married. Wisdom how to deal with the situation, God’s way.

Recent News

Prison ministry update

Tue , 22-1-2019

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28  

Prison updates

Mon , 3-12-2018

The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice.Sometimes all what it takes is a little kindness, to remind us how much Godcares.Thank you for your big hearts. Your love, prayers and gifts make a bigdifference.Rejoice reaping the good harvest with us.

Prison ministry Prayer Requests

Sat , 17-11-2018

Dear Prayer warriors“If the Son sets you free then you are really Free” Visiting inmates with a group of committed people who come with faith and trust that Jesus died for these inmates as well. And those who accept HIM are given authority to be “The Children of God” 

Impressions and Start of the Prison Visits 2017

Thu , 2-2-2017 by Aaron und Tobias

Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. Hebrews 13:3 (NLT)

Prison Ministry Update

Mon , 25-1-2016

Much happened during the prison visits in December and January - here is an update from Anis and Nawal

Christmas Prison Visits 2015

Fri , 25-12-2015

During the Christmas Season, a team of HOL volunteers visits around 21 prisons in Israel to meet, talk and pray with convicts of christian backgrounds, to sing songs and distribute little Christmas presents.