Media Portal
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Photo Galleries
Fri , 12-10-2018
36 from King’s Kids Israel (we had kids from both the Jewish & Arab side with us) and joined King’s Kids from our neighboring countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt!! And also some Swiss staff joined. We were altogether about 115 kids, youth and leaders
Fri , 12-10-2018
This past summer, we, as King’s Kids Israel flew to Slovakia to help launch their King’s Kids initiative. This has surely been a beautiful Kingdom principle of paying forward.
Fri , 8-6-2018
From 1.6. to 3.6. we had a special weekend with King's Kids Children in Tabgha. We studied the word of God, played in the water, had detective games, water games, crafts and prayer stations.
Wed , 7-3-2018
It's the cry of our heart to give the farming land completely in the hands of the Lord.One step to use it for the kingdom of god was the building of a plattform that can be used for several camps and meetings. In the following you can see some pictures about this project:
Wed , 7-3-2018
Before Christmas our Kings Kids took part in the annual Dance Performances at the Nazareth Village. Dancing with joy for the Lord brought a special athmosphere that inspired us and the people watching us, to think again about the real meaning of Christmas and expect Christ in a proper way:
Wed , 7-3-2018
Praise the Lord for our children and youth from Kings Kids and every minute they can spend time with each other and the Lord. Together, in blessed fellowship and unity we're experiencing god in new ways and do undescribable things together. Here you get a little insight in the Kings Kids activities:
Wed , 7-3-2018
We've gathered some pictures from the Family Weekend in the beginning of Octobre, where arabic, jewish and swiss families demonstrated unity in christ and played and prayed together in all their diversity:
Wed , 27-12-2017
Pictures of the House of Light Newsletter from December 2017 about Prison Ministry, Kings Kids and more
Tue , 3-10-2017
On the first of October arab and jewish youth came together on the farming land of Abu Naeem.
Mon , 11-9-2017
From first to third September around 40 people of every age joined the conference at the sea of galilee, which was a great time to grow in faith and enjoy the community.
Wed , 19-4-2017
25 King´s Kids Youth & 10 leaders, gathered for a special Easter Camp, on a big space around Alon & Rajaa’s house. The Aim was to help them grow in their relationship with the Lord, to know HIM better and better, to disciple and accompany them in their spiritual walk.
Sat , 18-3-2017
On March 12th, King´s Kids welcomed and served 18 Messianic Jewish and Arab families
Wed , 4-1-2017
With five different dances, 50 children and adolescents of King´s Kids Israel delighted more than 1000 visitors at this year´s christmas event of Nazareth Village
Sat , 30-7-2016
In may 2016, the young King's Kids went to do an outreach on the House of Light Land near Ras Ali. Next to having their own time of worship, Bible study and planting five young fruit trees, they invited the children of the nearby village to come and join them for games, songs, ice cream, face painting and a short teaching.
Mon , 23-5-2016
In may 2016, King's Kids Israel supported Finish gospel choir EtCetera with dances on three performances of their Israel tour.
Wed , 23-12-2015
The King's Kids perform a number of special dances at the Christmas celebration in Nazareth Village
Tue , 30-11-1999
Pictures of the 2016 King's Kids Outreach Weekend in the Baptist Village
Thu , 19-1-2017 6959 views
King's Kids Israel - Christmas Performance at Nazareth Village on December 16th and 17th, 2016
Wed , 4-5-2016 9961 views
Performance on 03.05.2016King's Kids Israel join Finnish choir EtCetera on their Israel-tour in 2016.
Wed , 4-5-2016 9155 views
Performance on 03.05.2016King's Kids Israel join Finnish choir EtCetera on their Israel-tour in 2016.
Wed , 4-5-2016 8864 views
Performance on 03.05.2016King's Kids Israel join Finnish choir EtCetera on their Israel-tour in 2016.
Mon , 23-9-2013 8166 views
Ental7a2e2a - King'skids Israel 2013
Mon , 23-9-2013 9180 views
Ana Saken - King'skids Israel 2013
Tue , 3-9-2013 8350 views
Reconciliation Drama - King'sKids Israel 2013
Tue , 3-9-2013 8305 views
Set Me Free - King'sKids Israel 2013
Wed , 18-4-2012 10297 views
King's Kids Performance 2009
Wed , 18-4-2012 8814 views
Young King's Kids end of the year performance 2010
Mon , 30-1-2012 8247 views
kings'kids - enta el 7a2e2a - Brazil 2012 - انت الحقيقة
Mon , 30-1-2012 8001 views
King'sKids - redeemer - Brazil 2012
Mon , 31-12-2007 3166 views
King's Kids perform a special Christmas Dance in december 2007