2008 Summer camp update #1

Mon , 11-8-2008

From hiking and swimming to worshipping around a campfire, this King’s Kids camp is off to an amazing start!


Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter

the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
From hiking and swimming to worshipping around a campfire, this King’s Kids camp is off to an amazing start! Our theme is “The Domino Effect,” and we are learning about how to resist falling for the temptations of the enemy. Our relationship with Jesus is the Root that plants us firmly in our faith, and once we have that we can stop being affected by the world and start affecting it. It has been a joy to watch the students take this message to heart. Regardless of the language they speak, whether Hebrew or Arabic, they have jumped into the worship times and have learned to work together to overcome any barriers that may exist. The result is beautiful. The students are growing in Christ and are doing so side by side. 

During the day the students have been learning dances and pantomimes, from worship songs to hip-hop, and working hard to prepare for upcoming performances. They have performed twice so far and both audiences talked about how encouraged they were by the presentation. Our students are learning to give God the glory for everything they do, and how all praise belongs to Him.
Some of them have also learned how to do tricks while jumping rope, while others have painted banners and made various other crafts. Still others have learned survival techniques, such as making a rainproof hut out of branches or bandaging wounds. Their activities have been a lot of fun, and have served as great bonding times for the students. 

Thank you all for your prayers for House of Light and the King’s Kids ministry. God has been faithful to open amazing doors for us, and many relationships have formed from the camp. The most important one, however, is the one our students have with Jesus Christ. We ask that you continue to pray, as Paul did for the Ephesian church, that their faith grows and takes on deep roots, that they will have strength to stand for Christ at all times, and that they may have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is! Amen!

Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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