A team from King's kids Israel travels to Holland

Wed , 24-7-2013 by Anis & Nawal

A mission trip of King's kids Israel to Holland



Dear prayer warriors

We appreciate your prayers and love as we are on a mission trip to Holland with 9 of King’s Kids Israel.
For those who live or know Holland the following means something yet others can pray and the prayer of the righteous bears much fruit.
May the Lord lead you how to pray for us as we will be moving from one place to another and especially Sunday afternoon when with our youth we will visit & Share the gospel at a prison .
We are appreciative



Anis & Nawal/HOL

  • Wednesday 24 July 10.10 h arrival at Schiphol airport with LY 337 and journey to Boerderij De Verwondering,
  • Thursday 25 July 12.00 h at Revival week 1 of the Near East Ministry (NEM) in the Kroeze Danne,
  • Friday 26 July 10.00 h at Soenda old age home, 
  • Saturday 27 July 15.00 h at Vineyard congregation Kollumerzwaag in community center de Trije Doarpen,
  • Sunday 28 July 10.00 h at Evangelical congregation Morgenstond in the  Oosterlichtcollege,
  • Sunday 28 juli 13.30 h at Penitentiary Arnhem-Zuid (Arnhem-South), Ir. Molsweg 5
  • Sunday 28 July 20.00 h at Het Baken on camping de Kriemelberg, Drieerweg 104, 3852 MC  Ermelo,
  • Monday 29 July 13.00 h Kinderdijk (Free day for the youth)
  • Monday 29 July 16.00 h at De Theetuin,
  • Monday 29 July 20.30 h meeting with Dutch board and Anis en Nawal .
  • Tuesday 30 July 12.00 h at Revival week 2 of the NEM on the NEM-premises,
  • Wednesday 31 July 8.35 h departure from Schiphol with LY 338 (plane leaves 11.35 h)

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