King's Kids Summer Visit to Holland

Sun , 22-11-2009

The King’s Kids Israel have completed their tour in Holland. A group of 6 Jewish and 6 Arab Kids - among whom 2 Palestinians - have toured in Holland and gave performances in various places






 King’s Kids say “Dank u wel!"

(Thank you very much!)



The King’s Kids Israel have completed their tour in Holland. A group of 6 Jewish and 6 Arab Kids - among whom 2 Palestinians - have toured in Holland and gave performances in various places. The audiences varied from 50 to about 600, however numbers don’t matter so much. We believe that anyone the Lord wanted to be present, was also present.
All performances were very successful. The songs on which the Kids performed their dances were all introduced by the Kids themselves who gave touching testimonies about how important it is to live close to the Lord, stay close to the Lord and how the Lord gave them unity among each other, despite their so different backgrounds. In and around Israel, Jews and Arabs in general live a very separated life and both groups harbour a lot of prejudices and hatred among each other. However, Jesus teaches us to love the ones who are usually called “the enemy” and audiences were very touched to see the Israeli Arab, Israeli Jewish and Palestinian Arab Kids dancing together in unity before the Lord.
The Kids themselves have also grown spiritually during their stay in Holland. The whole group has changed remarkably for the better and that’s only because of the work of the Holy Spirit in each and everyone of them. Most Kids are already dancing for some time with each other in Israel and know each other already well, but there is now even a lot more friendship, a lot more unity and a lot more understanding of each other’s backgrounds.  The following is a short day-by-day summary of the tour…..

Thursday 20 August

Nine of the twelve Kids arrived on Schiphol airport in the afternoon. This didn’t go smoothly. The Palestinian Kids heard a few days before that they wouldn’t get permission to travel via Tel Aviv. This means that tickets via Amman had to be arranged in a hurry and they were only available on the day of travelling itself. The Palestinian Kids had already gone to Amman on God’s grace, literally. From there they travelled to Frankfurt. In Frankfurt an Arab speaking man came, accompanied them to the correct gate and stayed with them until the Israeli Kids came with whom they would travel together to Amsterdam. After that he left quickly to get his own plane. Until the day of today we don’t know who that man was… Anyway, whether he was literally an angel or not: he was certainly an answer to prayer! The other 3 Kids attended a Musalaha meeting in Germany and they arrived in the evening on Schiphol airport.

Friday 21 August

In the daytime practising for the performances and visiting the windmills in Kinderdijk. In the evening a meeting with the host families from the evangelical congregation Jozua in Dordrecht, where the Kids would stay for two nights.






Saturday 22 August
Performance in the old-age home Soenda in Vlaardingen.







Sunday 23 August

Performance (2x!) in Jozua in Dordrecht. During the sermon the Kids went with the children of the congregation to Sunday school to teach them a dance. They performed all together at the end of the service. The public was invited to join them. In the evening the Kids gave a performance in the Elim-church in Papendrecht.




Monday 24 August

Our chairwoman Ria Verdoorn was having her birthday! We celebrated at farm “De Notenhoeve” in Ottoland, where the Kids congratulated her and afterwards played all kinds of games to get to know the Dutch farming life.

 In the afternoon they got pancakes from a family that had offered to help with the tour. 






 Tuesday 25 August
The whole day the King’s Kids were guests at the Near East Ministry in Nijkerk. Former House of Light-volunteers Ies and Jeane Roos were their hosts. Under the leadership of this creatively very talented couple the Kids could practise their own creative talents. In the evening they gave a performance. 



Wednesday 26 August
In the daytime we were the guests of Youth with a Mission in Heerde. They run the King’s Kids in

Holland. The Dutch Kids weren’t present because of the holiday period, but the leadership was present and we had a nice exchange together. The Israeli Kids gave of course a presentation of their dances! In the evening the Kids gave a performance on camping De Betteld in Zelhem.





Thursday 27 August
In the morning we had a barbecue with family from Johan Schep, who had arranged for the Kids a visit to a museum of clothing from the beginning of the 20th century in Lexmond. Because the owner didn’t want any money for it, the Kids gave a performance for her in their historical costumes:
King’s Kids Go Dutch 1909!

In the evening the Kids went to the Ichtus-church in Amersfoort for a performance and a youth evening. By playing a game the Kids could exchange experiences of daily life with the present youth. 

Friday 28 August
The Kids went that day to Texel. We were the guests of Jan and

Paula Brouwer. King’s Kids leader Alon Grimberg came in his youth a lot on Texel and stayed with them at these times. In the daytime the Kids enjoyed the forest and the beach and in the afternoon they gave a performance in the Reformed church in Den Burg.





29 August

In the morning the King’s Kids gave a performance in the Shabbat-congregation in Dordrecht. This congregation that is strongly oriented on Israel was happy to see Jewish, Arab and Palestinian Kids perform together in unity. In the evening the Kids gave their last performance of this tour at comprehensive school “De Passie” in Utrecht. This performance was preceded by a rap-performance of Spitfire. The Kids liked it very much.



Sunday 30 August
Evaluation, pack up and go. Also this didn’t go very smoothly. The Palestinian Kids had to go with an earlier flight than the Israeli Kids. It is painful that in this way again Kids had to be separated from the rest of the group because of their background. Anyway, everyone arrived home safely and the internet is a very useful medium to keep in contact with each other.

Report by King’s Kid Rajaa’ Hanna

What do two Palestinian Arabs, four Israeli Arabs and six Messianic Jews have in common?

How about Jesus Christ!

The group described above, led by Anis & Nawal Barhoum and Alon & Rajaa’ Grimberg, travelled for 10 days to the Netherlands and experienced the Lord in a very m

ighty way…

The tour was arranged by the “Friends of House of Light” in Holland who managed to put together the most wonderful program for our team, a beautiful farm house to stay in, spectacular sightseeing and wonderful performing locations… We praise the Lord for them and are so very grateful.

Our program in Holland was definitely intensive: each day began with breakfast, an individual quiet time, worship and straight, full on, into the wonderful activities of the day which usually included one to three performances in various places all around beautiful Holland. We spent a lot of the time on the roads, and enjoyed the rides also as quality and fun times together as a team, which also brought us closer to each other. Before each performance we had “heart preparation”, to pray and to put on “the full armour of God”, to be physically and spiritually prepared for our mission!

Our performances had between 5 to 12 dances and dramas, depending on the time given to us. In between almost every song, one or two of our team would give a testimony or simply share something about the next song. I was personally really encouraged by those testimonies; just to hear our team testifying so boldly about their faith!
I also enjoyed and was encouraged by the great joy and enthusiasm our team had. Even if we were so tired, God always answered our prayers by renewing our joy and strength for every single performance, always doing it totally for the Lord, with full new energy, as if it were our first!

Looking back at the 13 performances we had, I really see how God was with us every s

ingle step of
the way, protecting us and providing for us, and giving us great opportunities to testify and share our faith. We also got to have one-on-one talks with the people after each performance!

Unity was a special blessing this summer for our team! We had that unity as a whole team, no matter who we are or what our background is or anything else! All of that was put aside, and together we overcame that dividing wall and became one in Christ. We testified about it and actually lived it! Unity in worship and prayer and declaring the name of the Lord as one was always a key to overcome any spiritual war we faced!

On our way home we were faced with so many difficulties. One of the hardest issues was for our two Palestinian friends that had to travel alone starting in Germany. Due to Israeli travel rules they had to fly into Jordan instead of Tel Aviv, unlike the rest of us. They had to find their way home, on their own, to Beit- Sahour, as their parents were not granted a government permit to go and pick them up from the border, let alone the fact that this was their first flying experience! We praise God who doesn't leave His children alone, who provided an “angel” for them on the flight from Germany to Amman who helped them, even to the border.

These problems that arose led us to simply hold hands in a circle and pray, not caring who was around or what they might think of us! We did that 7 times on the day of our home flight, just to tell you of how many difficulties we actually faced that day.

I am definitely sure that all what we went through going home strengthened our faith, as individuals and as a team!


 Apart from that, we had such a great time together as a team! They are so energetic, and so much fun, and so alive, I was blessed by every single person in our team; such amazing young people with a strong desire for God!

We praise the Lord for He is so good to us… and we pray that He will continue to work in our lives, to continue building us into real vessels to carry His worthy name and glorify Him…

We really want to say to all of you: “Dank u wel!” (Thank you very much!) for your prayers, effort and other support! Above all we want to thank our Lord Jesus without Whom absolutely nothing of this would even be remotely possible!

This article is also available in Nederlands //

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