NIKO-Challenge Update

Mon , 20-4-2015 by Alon and Rajaa'

23 participants and 15 staff (plus 7 staff kids) walked the land (at least part of it), sweat (without deodorant), slept under the stars, fellowshiped, studied the word and above all, learnt to be overcomers in Jesus' mighty power...



Dear prayer partners,
Thank you for so patiently waiting to receive this update.
Yes, a bit over a week ago, we finished the 5 day NIKO-Challenge adventure for this year... Hallelujah...
23 participants and 15 staff (plus 7 staff kids) walked the land (at least part of it), sweat (without deodorant), slept under the stars, fellowshiped, studied the word and above all, learnt to be overcomers in Jesus' mighty power...
It was not an easy journey, for some it felt at times like torture, others came prepared for just about anything, but still found themselves surprised by how the Lord chose to encounter them...
The NIKO-Challenge philosophy stresses the topics of surrender, laying down our rights, servanthood and teamwork, all that in a very challenging setting physically, emotionally and spiritually, while working also on the ability to be a leader, different types of leadership...
After having a debriefing time with most of the participants, we were amazed to realize yet again how sovereign and almighty our father is, despite all difficulties and sometimes even our own shortcomings, He won and captivated each heart with His presence and special touch...
Some of the reactions of the participants were:
"I learnt through this NIKO that there are different types of leadership and that it turns out that I myself actually am able to be a leaderf"
"I learnt that so many things we have and are used to in our daily lives are not really neccessary and I can live without them"
"I learnt that a good teamwork is more important than simply reaching the goal"
"I grew 5cm higher in my maturity this week"
"I learnt that I can actually do so much more than I thought I could up until now"
"The Lord spoke to me this week about topics that He had never touched on before"
"I learnt that my heart's attitude is very important to God"
Thank you so much for praying...
Your prayers were very needed and surely felt during this time...
We exprienced great difficulty on the 2nd day of the program, at least 4 people suffered dehydration and were wiped out for some time, but praise the Lord, everyone gained strength and recovered and were able to continue their part in the program...
We are very grateful to our Lord, He is faithful and always present in our midst, without Him, we ALL work in vain, but with Him, we are ALL victorious and overcomers...
Thank you again for your love and support...

Please keep us updated and let us know how we can pray for you...



In His love,

Alon and Rajaa' for King's Kids Israel and NIKO-Challenge staff

This article is also available in Nederlands //

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