Youth day

Wed , 30-10-2019






In the past few years we have worked hard on fine tuning the program we should run for the youth in a way that implements the values and principles and is not just another youth meeting. 

This year, we felt the Lord leading us to hold youth days, once every 6-8 weeks, a bit of a longer meeting, sharing life a bit more together, more like a community setting of discipleship, fellowship, worship and a challenge from God’s word, also a place to bring friends who can then hear the gospel. 

The first of such youth days was held on the 13th of October 2019 in the House of Light land. 

The topic we received in prayer for this day was: “Chosen” 

Remembering that we have been chosen before we knew ourselves, chosen by God for history making. 

The day was a blessed experience, a few new youth came but mostly the committed youth from a few years now, plus the new 8th graders whom we welcomed into the youth group. 

Some time was spent in orientation, a reminder of the KKI values and principles, a lot of time in fun team building activities, including preparing the meal. 

Some time in small groups, digging deeper into the verses about being chosen, concluded by a time of worship and some simple chores in watering plants etc 


We are excited to live this new initiative and know that the Lord will meet the youth during these youth days. 


We would love it if you would lift us up in prayers… here are some points: 


  • Please pray for a worshipful spirit to arise within the youth, that the hearts will long for the presence of the Lord and come together to build an altar before Him. 

The challenge of finding the time when all participants and staff can attend, due to different days off in different schools and universities. 

- More friends to come and receive the message of salvation during these meetings. 

- Victories in the lives of the many youth who struggle in their walk with the Lord. 

- A purpose driven team to be built up and live the values, knowing Him and making Him known. 


Thank you for choosing to bless us and be part of what the Lord is doing in our midst.  






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Youth day

Wed , 30-10-2019

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