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New Years Update

Wed , 20-1-2021

Love never Gives Up, Never Loses Faith, and endures through every Circumstance.    (1Cor. 13:7)   Unity too endures in spite of the Covid 19 restrictions, keeping distance, No visits, No hugs, etc… We can still enjoy the Boundless Measure of God’s perfect Love! And you our dear Prayer Warriors and Friends, are a beautiful act of Kindness from the Heart of God to ours.  

King’s Kids camp 27-31 August 2020

Mon , 7-9-2020

After months physically apart, we finally had the chance to have a  King’s Kids camp at Abu Naeem’s land with the Youth. Themed “Christmas in August''- redirecting our eyes at the salvation that has come and that is yet to come, inspired by the verses in Luke 2:30- 32- when Simon saw the baby Jesus he said: “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles,and the glory of your people Israel.”  Along with Special times of worship, quiet time, prayer for the nations , ministry including fun times of fellowship  and games. Our Goal and our prayer is for the youth to truly experience the goodness and salvation of the Lord even through hard times,suffering and pain. To know Him, love Him,to be excited and fascinated by His salvation . Thank you all for your love and prayers    King’s Kids Galilee    

A dream comes true

Tue , 7-4-2020

  Anis, founder of House of Light, had a dream which he never shared with others thinking it’s only a dream. He had already drawn a plan of a rehabilitation center on a farming land. This was his vision in 1974 after working for many years amongst addicts who got healed by prayer.

Upcoming Events

Praise Report And Prayer Requests

Thu , 5-10-2017

Rejoice with us dear Prayer warriors and supporters for there is fruit for your very crucial, ongoing labor.

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