Prayer camp outreach in Jordan

Sat , 13-10-2018

During our summer Prayer Camp in Jordan we felt as if the Lord allowed us to see a glimpse of what He has promised for our region for the later days in Isaiah 19, 22-25. It says there that there will be a highway between Assyria & Egypt and these nations will worship Him together on that highway and Israel will be the third, along with Assyria and Egypt, a blessing on the earth!


We came as a group of 36 from King’s Kids Israel (we had kids from both the Jewish & Arab side with us) and joined King’s Kids from our neighboring countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt!! And also some Swiss staff joined. We were altogether about 115 kids, youth and leaders.

It was mind blowing to see how these kids connected and made friends in this time. This is a huge miracle if you consider that we come from countries that are in a state of war between them.

But the even bigger miracle happened, when we saw how God met these kids in this time and how He was at work in and through their lives. Besides the fun and team building times, we spent a lot of our time with the kids and youth in worship, teachings, Quiet times, prayer stations, outreach and intercession. The subject of the camp was: “Set Apart”.

We experienced God’s presence and blessings in an amazing way:

  • God first - The first day many of the kids re-dedicated their lives and decided to put God first in their lives. Also as the camp unfolded we saw how many of the kids got really serious about their relationship with God and sought Him in prayer!

  • Outreach day - we divided into smaller outreach teams going to different destinations in Jordan: homevisits in homes of Syrian refugees, prayer outreach in area of Syrian refugees, a practical service outreach, an outreach to children of a church and an outreach to Syrian refugee kids. The generations served together with a fixed common goal: declaring the gospel through words and works of love.

  • Our outreach team - we were amazed to see some of the teenager girls we reached out to, still wearing their head cover and already worshipping Jesus! There were about 70 Syrian refugee kids/teens with whom our outreach group shared God’s love on that day.

  • Intercession - The day following we did another kind of outreach: we went to the Jordanian border with Israel (not far also from the Syrian border) and interceded together for the countries that we represented in the region. It felt like something surreal, it was very powerful and we believe that God used this intercession time of the kids to change things in the spiritual realm in our region!

  • Reconciliation - At the last morning we felt that God still had something in store for this camp in connection to reconciliation. The moment we opened the subject with the kids, we were amazed to see how God moved in their hearts: they approached each other, the kids asked forgiveness one from the other also on behalf of their nations, praying for each other, they formed a huge circle together, the eyes of most of the participants welled up, some had tears flowing freely… This was truly a divine moment in which the barren land was watered and seeds of hope were planted!


We pray and believe that a new generation will rise up in our region, Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Arabs from the surrounding nations, who seek His face, who worship Him together and built His kingdom with selfless faith!

“This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face…”

Psalm 24, 6


for more photos click here


This article is also available in Deutsch //

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