Prison ministry update

Tue , 22-1-2019

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28



By the Lord’s grace we finished our Christmas group visits to inmates inside 20 prisons. We trust as we are back home, the Holy Spirit stays with them to lift, encourage, draw them nearer to, and fix their eyes on, Jesus Christ “the author and finisher of our faith. Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2


It was a sunny day, after all the storms and heavy rain our land was blessed with this winter. We were praying for good weather as we would have to go from wing to wing, with a bunch of Bibles, 11 different languages, to give these precious people “The Word of Life”. The airport is 15 minutes away, yet it’s impossible to reach there without having all their official papers ready. Foreign workers who’s visa expired yet stayed in Israel trying to find a new employee. They are waiting in this prison hearing from far, airplanes in the sky, wishing this would be their airplane taking them HOME and dreaming of hugging their beloved ones. On the specific day we met 70 women and 85 men.


At our arrival we understood, it was the Birthday of one officer there, so we started by singing “Happy Birthday” in different languages. The Atmosphere was so joyous and encouraging and foreign women joined our celebration, clapping & singing. Later we began our program by singing Christian songs in Russian, English and one (philippino)  Tagalog song . As many women had been working in Israel already for some years, they could understand Hebrew, so we sang Hebrew & some Arabic songs too.


A very creative member on our team, started sharing the gospel in an attractive way. They were all ears. But the enemy had his policy of distraction!! One inmate fell down to the ground unconscious. We as a team urged all women to unite with us in prayers that the Lord would intervene and stretch out His healing hand. Confusion, fear and a big mess took over. And though the woman was immediately, professionally cared for, it was hard for others to get back into order and concentration. Some women complained that any way they can’t understand the translation of our Russian sister as they come from Georgia Russia where they speak a different language.


Our hearts broke at the situation. Prayers of intercessors who always accompany us from their own places in the world, lifted us up again. Jesus took control. He loves all of them and HIS word will never come back empty. Praise HIM, a young Georgian woman stepped in and translated us.

The most thrilling and comforting part was, a precious 4- year old child who sat on her Mom’s lap, trying to encourage her and wipe up her tears. She asked her Mom why she was crying and continued: “Don’t you know that Jesus is with us?” then this precious Baby offered to pray for women in the place. Heaven on Earth!!!


As they were walking back into their rooms, we hugged and strengthened each and every one of them urging them to trust the Lord and read their Bibles. We gave each, a bag full of snacks and sweets. What a JOY. The enemy is defeated and we were on our way for the next blessing. Men in the other wing were very enthusiastic. A group of Africans amongst them, sang with us loudly and joyfully. They asked to be prayed for that they will press on, carrying The Torch of the Lord back in their countries & Communities.


We might not see each other again on this earth, but we are happy that they are true Ambassadors. Like the Ethiopian eunuch, who understood, accepted, got Baptized and joyfully carried the message of salvation in his heart & life, then to many others in his country. Acts 8: 26-40

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